I dedicate this blog post to loyal reader Roger, this is his favorite topic. I write this in the morning before my afternoon photo shoot, where a lot of CFNM will be going on.
CFNM. Clothed Female Nude Male.
What the heck is this? I know many of you are asking, so I will tell you. The definition is taken from that reliable source Wikipedia.
“One-sided male nudity can also arise when a male disrobes for the sexual pleasure of a woman or other women, such as in a BDSM and/or sexual activity, as an indication of sexual submission, or as part of a male striptease. The objective of this type of scenario is that the male is denied the sexual pleasure of seeing the women in the same state of undress, and is not in a position to dominate the scene.
One-sided male nudity is also considered by some to be a form of sexual objectification of men or as a role reversal, whereby the male assumes a subservient sex role.”
That pretty much sums it up. As you know, Mistress J likes to dominate her sessions. And, as you know, Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing, gender bending is welcomed and encouraged here.
My main clients happen to be the submissive male and cross dressers. I think it is because I know how to make people feel safe. And when men are stepping outside of traditional gender roles, or trying
something they might perceive as a hidden desire that might be considered dirty and out of the norm, it puts them in a vulnerable spot. I also feel male submission is a way for men to express their desire to worship and express their adoration of women. But the word submissive isn’t bad. At least not in my mind. In a world where women are still taught to serve men, being served is a wonderful experience.
I could go on and on about the psychology of why some men might want to be submissive and then have it photographed, but as I have said before, that is another blog post.
I will say, I understand that some men crave this. They want to have a woman tell them what to do, control them even if only for a brief moment in a private space. The photographs capture this moment, providing a souvenir. Men also long to be perceived as attractive, many want to be objectified. A photo session with a skilled photographer such as myself ensures the experience of being a model along with the technical skills of creating a good photograph.
So, a submissive male session usually consists of me, Mistress J fully clothed and photographing the male in submissive poses. Since the sessions are sensual, I photograph my client and all of his, shall we say, attributes. Some even want a little FemDom thrown in, and please stay tuned, because that WILL be my next blog post!
Ladies, it IS OK to dominate a man, so long as you both desire it!In her personal life, Mistress J has a houseboy who likes to come over and help around the house. Here is a photo of him serving me wine in his “uniform”. I enjoy his company, and enjoy his help. He is a good cook and handyman. He also likes to dress up on occasion and become Tanya.
So yes, things are pretty interesting here at Mistress J Studios.
Intrigued? Contact me. My email is Mistressjstudios@gmail.com. I am in San Jose, California. Look for my website launch this month!