The internet’s favorite slut keeps cuming back for more! Shortly before Memorial Day Weekend, slut Tiffany booked back to back sessions one week apart. Her fans gleefully posted suggestions and even a few bets were made on her abilities.
I met her at her motel the night before our daytime session. Our girl likes to go shopping at the Hustler store. I think looking at the toys gets her horny. She was given her usual list of tasks, but Mistress J had a shocking surprise.
I had purchased a puppy shock collar, and I was excited to try it. Tiffany kept texting and asking for hints, I had to punish her for being a pest. I had tested it out earlier that day with a previous client, and was all ready for my meeting with Tiff.
I placed the device so the electrodes were nestled on her pussy lips (balls), her panties were snug enough to keep it in place.
Here is the funny part; I was trying to give her a zap and it wasn’t working. It worked earlier, what was wrong? I kept toying with the remote but nothing happened. I dialed up the intensity from 1, to 9 (out of 15) then hit the button. Bingo! Poor Tiffany doubled over and said “It’s working now.” So off we went.
The poor girl was rattled from her intense zap and kept giving me the side eye. I hid the remote in my hand as we shopped for dildos and undies. She was instructed to ask questions about very large dongs and during the consult, I’d zap her. Suddenly her voice would get higher and she’d twitch. I wonder what the sales gal thought?
Tiffany’s Homework:
I always leave her a few homework assignments. I left her at her room with instructions to cum into a plastic bag and freeze it and bring it the next

Cumming into a plastic bag for breakfast in the morning!
day. She also slept with a tampon in her butt.
Tiffany always has do demonstrate her writing abilities. I had her write 25 sentences about being a big cum whore, but she had to use the small hotel notepad. The 4×5 notepad was full of her beautiful and organized writing.

Dancing to porn music.
Tiffany always needs to record some dance moves. What do you all think of this shot taken from her video?
In addition to the above assignments, our girl had to demonstrate ass play and do a striptease. It had been a long work week for her, but I made the slut stay up until 2 am recording the assignments and showing proof with the clock.
Bright eyed and bushy tailed, slut come over the next day wearing her lingerie and some very strong perfume. I placed her cum bag in the freezer and we adjourned to the playroom.
I had purchased ice tube trays for anal ice insertions. Bets were wagered with a high of 4 tubes going into her boy pussy. Tiffany could barely take 3 tubes! And this was after stretching her out… I think the cold ice made her clench. For some reason, the tubes kept shooting out of her butt. What a silly girl!
The following week brought the slut back for a morning session. I dressed her up in some cute clothes and again positioned the puppy collar, this time strapping it to her thigh. She cleaned my kitchen and received zaps for wasting water and not wiping the counter.
Tiffany was then instructed to suck all the cocks in the glory hole. She had to pleasure each one according to it’s individual taste. One cock enjoys just the tip, while another likes deep throat. If she did it wrong, or lacked enthusiasm, she got a zap! I just thought of a fun game while writing this. Can’t wait to try it out.
Tiffany also had to demonstrate her fine skills by shaving my legs.

Glory, glory hallelujah!
The pressure was on. Could Tiffany give me a clean shave without any nicks? Could she manage not to spill the water? Would she waste shave gel? Would she get a zap on a very high level if she did any of these transgressions? Inquiring minds want to know…
After a gentle ass fucking, Tiffany received her reward. She was granted the opportunity to consume her frozen spunk from the previous week!

A bag of fun!
With her hands tied behind her back, the slut knelt down and licked her love juice out of the bag like a little dog. If she didn’t swallow every drop, you guessed it, she got a zap!
We ended our session with a sweet treat: a banana enema. Tiffany is a bit health conscious, and likes to be regular. I had a very ripe banana smashed into a jumbo food syringe. laying on her back with her legs resting on my shoulders. I slid it into her. She was stroking herself. The thought of her fruit based bounty was too much for her and she exploded all over herself! She barley had time for cleanup before nature called her to the bathroom! What a dirty whore, inside and out.
Intrigued? Contact me.
Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing and gender exploration are welcomed and encouraged here.
My email is I am in San Jose, California. I look forward to hearing from you.
Great job by both of you! Tiffany your limits definitely are an inspiration to us all. Mistress do tell how her dancing skills were and what other homework assignments did she get to enjoy / suffer thru? I am sure the fans all would like to know… also I am also a fan of writers inspiration and can’t wait to hear what new torments we can get our girl to enjoy.
Great Post keep it up!
Thank you. I am sure the Mistress can elaborate on the homework she gave me. This was a great trip and I had a blast; can’t wait for my next time out west.
I have updated the blog with her assignments. Let me know what you think!
Very interesting assignments. It is good to see that she was forced to stay awake and was able to stay out late. Love the movie themes also, I hope they were able to expand her limits. I personally think it would be great to use Sams post and have her report down to the front desk (especially if you are able to coach the agent with what message to deliver).
Next time she stays up until 2:00am a fun safe final assignment would be to have her drink a few glasses of cranberry juice, maybe mixed with a laxative, to naturally wake her up a few hours later…
Banana enema is a wiled choice. For another punishing style one have her take an enema of her own piss.
Disappointing to hear she only let three ice tubes in. Great read.
I wanted to share a feminization scene I had a few weeks ago similar to this. While staying at my hotel my mistress dropped off a Victoria Secret bag at the front desk with my lingerie I was to wear the next day. She had the desk call me room at 11:00pm and the agent said, “hello Sir your clothing items have been dropped off by your mistress for you; please come down to the front desk to collect them.” When I got there I could tell by their smiles that my mistress showed them the clothing items… so embarrassing.
Sissy Sam, that sounds very embarrassing! I bet you loved every minute!
Great concept here. I am interested to hear if the hotel staff would be willing to play along. To help enhance the embarrassment our girl could be made to put on a heavy scented perfume. Or leave her room wearing some feminine cut jeans or pants.
Some lite product placement here… try out the Pig Hole butt plug on her or your next lucky slut. Great toy to keep their hole wide open for a nice long pegging session.
What a wonderful idea!
If she likes the shocking collar the next obvious toy to work in is a puppy tail!
Great minds think alike!
Wow, what an amazing pair of sessions! Love the wide range of activities. You are definitely helping Tiffany achieve her true slut potential.
I also really like the homework ideas, helping make sure she gets into the right mindset before coming to your play space.
I’m now always wondering “What will Mistress J have Slut Tiffany do next?”
Homework sounded great but I am surprised if she lets you tape her that you have not gone with a exercise one… it seams like a cheerleader bedroom costume paired with an interval workout of lower body movements would be perfect (squats, leg lifts, mountain climbers etc). I am sure you could find a nice set to have to repeat 5-8 times for a nice sweat. Maybe have her take a few strokes on the dildo in between sets.
How about butt clenches around a dildo?
Workout idea
If there is room in your studio try out forced exercise. This is something I have used with my slaves and it makes for a great strain / reward session. I love wall sits and squats but this blog also has some good tips
Drink water!
Love it!
Agree great idea. Mistress J you should have her repeat a few different sentences while wall sitting. Or have her hold up a dildo in front of her wall on the wall for fun.
Speaking of dildos, yesterday, I received as a gift the njoy 11. Here’s a link on Amazon. It’s 2.75 pleasurable pounds of stainless steel. Tiffany will have lot’s of fun with this.
Great toy. If she gets that you should also give her anal stretching plug to warm up with. Not the best for long walks…
The only thing that could make that ice cube butt plug picture hotter would be to oil up Tiffany body
She likes it dry and cold!
Oh boy looks like I need to start giving cardio some more attention before my next trip. Thanks again everyone for your great suggestions please keep them coming in.
For extra credit try doing your running workout while wearing this:
The balls inside shake as you move similar to Ben Wa balls. Nothing painful just enough to keep reminding you your hole is controlled…
I like this idea. Shake, rattle and roll!
Hi pervy peeps,
Tiffany is due back mid-August. I am thinking of getting her into running and doing some cardio at a local park. I feel a sports bra and some tight spandex pants or shorts are in order. And of course leg warmers. I’m open to other outfit ideas.
For exercise, I love some of the suggested ones. We have wall sits, arm curls with dildos, running with anal toys and I’m including jump rope. Let’s not forget the importance of stretching.
Looking forward to hearing the thoughts from the public!
Mistress J
Thank you Mistress.
I love to please you and to obey your commands. I can’t wait to take on the community tasks and your own wishes next trip.
Here is an easy one, for one of you. Buy a tennis ball thrower for a dog and grab a lawn chair. With Mistress comfortably sitting toss the tennis ball and have her go run and get it! Maybe when she brings the ball back you can have her do some yoga push ups or grass grabbers until the ball is tossed out again.
Love the concept here. A few thoughts on the outfit. If your doing public play I highly recommend having her put on a pantie that helps hide / tuck “it” from sight. Tight short female attire with a bulge in the open is not great for vanilla people to see. And for the workout what are you looking to put her thru? Fun in the sun or sweating and muscle fatigue… I have some fun one for both.
Yes, I was planning on hiding the bulge.
Great suggestions Mr D, definitely sounds like you have done this a few times or maybe you are just that smart and a natural Dom. If I was working out for you would you change my outfit or exercises… what could I do in Aug to please you?
Tiffany I would love to see pictures with you in this
Thank you for the find. Maybe Mistress will find them in my size.
Thank you for the kind words and asking. If i was setting the bar you would be required to complete the following exercises after a mile warm up run we would roll a dice each time to set the number of reps times 10 (rolling a 1 would be 10 reps). Glute Bridge, Lateral Leg Lifts, Leg Kickbacks, Squats, Crab Crawls, Push Ups and Burbies. For bonus points it would great for you to take some glammor shots laying in the park with a inflatable pool float (swan or duck). Poor form on the exercises obviously deserves a spank on the rear end, one blow for each miss.
I think Tiffany is a shameless flirt and needs a spanking! I like these ideas. I also think the zapper will help her keep her perfect form. 🙂
Easy make her run wind sprints and do mountain climbers until she can’t and then walk her around in some heals.
That would be great to hear about / watch if you made her do her cool down run in some high heal boots or pumps. Hard enough to walk in them with fresh legs I imagine that walking in them would be close to impossible with sore tired legs…
What about some hot summer swimwear or record her strutting around in some sexy boots. Also, what about a nice temporary tattoo along her leg, shoulder and lower back?
Great minds think alike! A tramp stamp is in order.
Yes please!
She would look very slutty in these.
So, Tiffany is instructed to practice tucking her bulge before she sees me. I found this cute skirt that will also do the job for her public workout!
Not to over crowd this thread however if you want to post great… I would try to squeeze her into a nice shaping waist bust or corset to help give her that nice curvy waistline. I guess this could get covered up with the sports bra and blouse maybe.
Note you don’t have to post this as you have a lot of great content:
First off I loved reading this post and the other old ones! Great chemistry between you and her for sure. Second for the workout I would try to be more creative with the way she should track the failed or incomplete exercises… and Then that allows you to determine how they translate into punishment. Punishment could be one spank per point or one thrust from the strap on into her hole when you return to the studio. If you have a private yard a quick spray from the garden hose would be a fun way to welcome her back. Colder the better!
For the cool down heals would be funny however if this is her first public play session having her walk around the park by herself is a surprisingly humiliating feeling for the sub. Up to you obviously in the end.
The only note I have for the outfit is Thigh High Socks, because I love them. I love to rock thigh high socks with my boy shorts in the spring and I would love to see her enjoy the same look.
Keep up the great work Fem Dom I love reading about men submitting to our needs.
I was thinking about some rainbow leg warmers. Circa 1985.
Tiffany’s workouts will be divided into 2 parts. First, we have the outdoor workout in August. A slutty gurl exercising by the lake. Part 2 will consist of Tiffany in 80s workout gear giving slutty workout tips.
Do these work for 80s color and style?
I think they will! Thanks!
Not to overwhelm the thread however for public play these are a few fun and easy things to work in to enhance the play.
At a restroom hand the sub a bag with clothing items they are to change into. The other variable could be to enter the restroom first a leave the clothing items for her to find a wear… clothing or insertion of toys. Makeup is also a fun thing to assign such as basic lip gloss.
For walks I love walking to a spot and having the sub leave something that she will have to go back at pick up. When you get back to the car tell her you are leaving in 10-15 minutes with or without her. For added fun change your parking location to make her think she has to walk home in her new outfit.
You must have been reading my mind about the restroom. I had a similar idea…
Can you please find and buy some neon ass-less chaps!?! What better way to frame out Tiffany’s slutty bottom… for workouts I would love to watch her squat up and down on a long dildo or progress deep throating dildos or various lengths.
Any chance she can take an enema and release it into a bush along a private trail???
Tiffany goes to the park with me om 8/8. I am excited. Her outfit is a surprise, but I have a hint. She has a gaff panty with camel toe. Hope it shows through her shorts!
Excited to hear how the Miss J park bootcamp went for our girl Tiffany. Hopefully she behaves herself to avoid any additional punishments…
Miss J any preview of how tight the athletic shorts are?
I hope they are tight enough to show the camel toe gaff.
Any chance we can get her to do a booty show in the park? A twerk show would be one concept that would show well…
This particular park has some secluded areas. Tiff can twerk and stretch all she likes!
Is it secluded enough for a free jog in her panties and bra?
No! But Tiffany would certainly stop traffic with her bod.
For discreet public play I like to make a mix tape for my bottom to listen to. The mix can vary from girly pop songs to audio tracks of girls climaxing or enjoying themselves. Not knowing what will play keeps him on the edge as we walk and by his stride I know when an audio track is playing. Sometimes I work in recordings from our session where he is begging to release or crying out for me to continue to punish him…
I love this!
Miss J if you love that then you will have to think about the advanced version of this scene. If you record parts of the session stitch them together and replace the audio with a rap song or the sexy climax voice and force the bottom to watch (alone or with you) the best is to watch them get confused as the audio is super sexy but the picture is them getting punished.
The countdown begins. For inspiration, I am going for a little bit of Virginia on Claws.…22762.23637..24085…0.0..0.90.405.5……0….1..gws-wiz-img.JL9n6-G18ZM&ved=0ahUKEwjvz5rAwOzjAhUIip4KHcuqAAUQ4dUDCAY&uact=5#imgrc=vMj-o56pD1nSmM: