Genderbending and Heteroflexibility

Women have been given the permission to allow their sexuality to be more fluid. We are given the permission at a young age to brush each others hair, sit close and  it is always permissible for two women to sleep in a bed together, in a non-sexual context without any type of questioning of their sexual preference. It is also acceptable for women to wear pants. It is hard to believe this was not socially acceptable not that long ago.

Men don’t have it so easy of course. They must keep their sexuality in check. It seems society makes it so they can either be gay or straight, with no in between. These past few months, I have had the opportunity to have some frank and intense discussions with a few gentlemen on the topic of what heteroflexibility means to them and their sexuality. The discussions were incredibly varied, detailed and passionate.

The gentlemen in question all agreed to being curious to exploring their curiosity under the loving  guidance of a Mistress (me). But that is another blog post.

Today, I am going to discuss a photo session I had with a man named Moe. Moe is what many consider a man’s man. Rugged, sun kissed and manly, this country boy cowboy on occasion flirts with his feminine side.  Moe is successful in business, a caretaker of his aging mother and horse trainer. He also has an affinity for women’s clothing. He likes to flirt, hide his male parts and express himself in ways one might consider feminine.

This of course must be done in private, which is why he came to me. He does have a bit of an exhibitionist streak, and allowed me to use his photos. So it is an interesting dichotomy.  Compare these two images. The first he presents himself as a confident man. The gaze is straight on, looking at me (my camera) boldly in the eye. His legs are open and his manhood exposed. To me, his body language and gaze are inviting the viewer in for sexual contact. Per my customer request, I have blocked out his manly bits.

The second image shows him to be more vulnerable.  His pose is demure submissive, feminine. Men are not supposed to hide their genitals. The other half of the population suffers from penis envy, so expose your junk man and be proud of it! Is he ashamed? Maybe. The pink backdrop was deliberately  selected for this shoot, after all real me don’t like pink.

Moe then brought out his lady garments and I helped him become one of his favorite alter egos “Goth Girl”.  Hose, corset, dress, veil and a quick application of makeup transformed him. It does not matter if he can pass for a girl. That is not his objective. Moe wanted a safe place to document his other side. My studio provided that.

In my upcoming blog posts you will see a reoccurring statement from me. Mistress J studios is a sex positive studio. My studio is a safe place and create art of a sensual nature so my clients can expose a piece of themselves that may remain hidden most of the time. I take pride in producing high quality photography. Every session is custom designed for each client. During a session you receive from me my undivided attention, my time and talent and commitment in making your photographic and artistic yearnings come to creation.


Intrigued? Contact me. My email is  I am in San Jose, California.

About Mistress J

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