Mistress J has a steady stream of regular clients with particular interests. Today’s blog post features Moe,* a gentleman who is really into the art of wax play.
Always on the lookout for things to delight my guests, I came across these body wax candles . from Agreeable Agony when I was at DomCon this past May. I bought them with Moe in mind. You see, not only are they beautiful, but they come in glass pitchers that allow for a nice pour, and Mistress doesn’t get her fingers scorched. They burn at a slightly lower temperature, and I can usually peel them off in a long, sexy strip.

Such agreeable clean up
I start of his session by securing him to the table and warming him up with a nice, sensual massage, rubbing the warmed oil over his body. A coat of oil provides a nice barrier for the wax, and the dried wax comes off easier. After I get his body tingling with sensations, I randomly pour the hot, melted wax on him.

rollin’, rollin’ rollin’ RAWhide!
For added effect, I often use my ice roller. Moe is a huge sensation slut and likes the alternating feeling of heat and ice. Sometimes he even screams as the hot wax drips into a sensitive or intimate area… But he must like it, he keeps coming back.
We have conducted very comprehensive and scientific studies on the candles and have reached these conclusions:
The cheap candles burn the hottest. Moe likes those best, as he’s a wax slut. They are however, the most difficult to clean up because they crumble like crazy and make a big mess.

Variety is the spice of life!

Miss J pours it on thick.
The Agreeable Agony candles are my favorite. I love the pitcher for ease of pouring and also really enjoy peeling the wax off of his body. I aim to peel the whole strip off without it breaking. Look at the photo for an example of what I’m talking about.
The English citron candles I use to make the house smell good are also nice, and sit firmly in the middle of the rating scale. They come in a glass jar, which is handy, and they don’t crumble as much as the cheap ones, and they’re by far the best smelling ones I use.
So, to make the most of it, I use every type of candle I have and let Moe enjoy them, one by one, drip by drip.
Cleaning the wax off of him is fun for the both of us, and sometimes I thinks it’s my favorite part of the session, aside from Moe’s screams. As i mentioned earlier, I love peeling off long strips of wax. Bur what about the other types? Well, those metal claws I have come in handy. I use one to scrape off the chunks. It provides an interesting sensation for Moe and I think is even a little scary.
After tormenting his back, I turn him over and start all over again!
If you have a hankerin’ for wax play, and are curious about my style of Feminine Domination, I invite you to contact me for a session in my San Jose studio.
Intrigued? Contact me.
Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing and gender bending are welcomed and encouraged here.
My email is mistressjstudios@gmail.com. I am in San Jose, California. I look forward to hearing from you.