Why is Mistress J a Kinkster?

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A good Girl Scout at Folsom Street Fair 2014.

Mistress J is a perv, just like you.

Now don’t get your panties in a bunch, I mean perv with the sincerest form of affection!

Lately, it seems I have been getting a lot of questions from folks on why I do what I do, and do I like it? The answer to that is YES! I love being kinky and sharing my experiences with other pervy people.

I am a FemDom, I don’t switch or play the submissive role. Why? And what does that mean?

Well, from the time I was a very little girl, I knew I was a Feminist. Much to my family’s chagrin, I questioned traditional gender “rules” not so much as the roles.

I was taught what so many women were told since time began. “Give in to a man, don’t make him mad, and don’t be bossy or demanding.”

Told repeatedly to put her needs third, it is interesting a little FemDom sprouted up from this environment. I LOVE being dominant. The reasons why are complex. Perhaps I like  being in control over men because it is the exact opposite of what I was taught to do as a young girl.

A good boy obeys the Girl Scouts.

A good boy obeys the Girl Scouts.

What does a FemDom do, you ask? She asserts her power over men. SHE is in control. In my personal life, I only date submissive men. My professional life is one of a Dominatrix in San Jose, CA. My men like to give up their control to me and let me lead for a while.

Now, try as I might, I cannot be completely selfish in nature. When I lead, I think of us, rather than just me.  I also have a very loving and nurturing nature.

Does that make me weak? No, because it brings me pleasure to think of others. It pleasures me to watch a man submit to my loving authority. And, it pleases me to see a man in what might be a traditional female position.

In my world, we are two people who consensually come together in the role they desire.

I like manners and respect for women. I like a man who considers her needs. My needs are to sensually/sexually dominate men. And I like it when my needs are met!

If you are curious about  Feminine Domination, I invite you to visit me for a session or photo shoot.

Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing and gender bending are welcomed and encouraged here.

Intrigued? Contact me. My email is Mistressjstudios@gmail.com.  I am in San Jose, California.  I look forward to hearing from you.

Mummy Dearest

Many people like to get wrapped up in their work, but I can’t think of anyone who enjoys pallet wrap more then Ed of my friend and wrapper at Serious Images. You see Ed, is serious about bondage.

I met Ed at a party where he was watching over Modenarr who was lying on the floor wrapped from the neck down in pallet wrap with just his head and feet exposed and wiggling around. After carefully stepping over Modenarr, Ed and I sat down and had a long conversation where he explained to me the benefits of mummification and sensory deprivation.

Ed painted a picture of the recipient going on an inward trip, somewhat

Ed is wrapped up in his work!

Ed is wrapped up in his work!

different than the subspace of heavy impact play. He made it sound interesting and intriguing, and I expressed an interest in learning more and being both a top AND a bottom in a mummification scene.

Coincidentally, the next day, I went to a seminar at the Looking Glass featuring Cleo du Bois and sensory dep. It was a sensory dep weekend! The universe provides, here was something being shown to me that struck a cord, and I had to try.

A day was arranged and both Ed and Modenarr came over. Modenarr likes to use the term “wrap in foil”, and if you follow his adventures, you will find he is quite the little mummification slut, having played with some heavy hitters here in Silicon Valley. But I digress…

Modenarr, brought over a large suitcase filled with latex costumes, hoods and very specific metal devices. He also brought a bucket filled with colorful duct tape and 2 rolls of pallet wrap. He is a very prepared guy!

First, Ed and I strapped him into a sleep sac so I could see what that was all about, and since I have 3 cats, I wanted him to wear the kitty hood. We let Modenarr enjoy the comfort of my playroom and let the kitties explore the new plaything in the floor.

wrapAfter lunch, Ed gave me a step by step tutorial on proper wrapping and decorating using tape. We had Modenarr get nekkid, and Ed showed me how to wrap the pallet wrap around his body. Some folks wraps the arms separately, others wrap them to the body. You caan also use regular plastic wrap for this. After we encased his body in plastic, the duct tape was applied. Ed is known for his design work, so you won’t see a plain black wrapping by his hands.

We chose a red and black color scheme and I feel Ed’s design has a slight Aztec inspired look, don’t you?

photo (30)Of course, as a FemDom who delights in the naughty, a little humiliation was in order! I had a brand new dong, and Modenarr was the first to use it in any imaginable way. What a lucky kitty. Here he is giving it a kiss.

Remember, I offer private sessions as well as erotic photo sessions. Are you interested in mummification or sensory dep?

Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing, gender bending is welcomed and encouraged here.

Intrigued? Contact me. My email is Mistressjstudios@gmail.com.  I am in San Jose, California.  I can be found on Fetlife as MistressJ9. I look forward to hearing from you.

Alice in Chains. Or, Me and a Movie Star do an Amazing Transformation!

Two weeks ago, I had the honor of filming with the fabulous and famous Alice of Alice In Bondage Land!

Alice had arranged a special day for Mistress J.  She had her chastity clad sissy Bobbie ready to go for a full transformation, and I was going to be providing make up tips for sissies. This post will show you photos from the day and tell you about some of the fun we had turning Robert into Bobbie. If you want to see the full video, take a look at Alice In Sissy Land. The video will be uploaded shortly and you watch our adventure.

I provide complete cross dressing transformation services here at Mistress J Studios. Your session can include  hair and makeup, a photo session and even a little FemDom.

This was a fun day. We met at the Sunnyvale studio in our street clothes looking very vanilla. Bobbie (still Robert) hung up her wardrobe, laid out her frilly panties, lined up her shoes, then I picked out the outfit I wanted her to change into.  After the outfit was selected, we had to choose appropriate accessories, as they make the look complete, and it was decided I would let her wear my great-auntie’s vintage pearl necklace and screw back earrings.

Alice and I changed into our sexy Domina clothes set up our cameras and the filming began. Step by step I explained
what I was doing as far as makeup for Bobbie. That included color matching foundation, evening out redness, covering 5 o’clock shadow, etc. I demonstrated eye makeup techniques and painted on eyebrows, ending with the application of very full and fabulous false eyelashes. Sometime during the makeup lesson, it was determined that Bobbie was very wiggly, so Alice had to restrain her in ropes so she wouldn’t get away.

After the makeup and positioning of the wig, Bobbie was untied and told to get dressed. Bobbie had to strip out of her boy clothes and change into her girl clothes right there on camera! This included applying breast forms, the corset to make a waist, leggings and other support garments.

Bobbie is in chastity and had been for about 3 months. After stepping out of her man briefs, we got a good look at her bits in chastity. Her balls had grown huge and her little cock looked more like a clit confined in a cage.  Alice, being

If you look closely, you can see the chastity device.

If you look closely, you can see the chastity device.

Bobbie’s keyholder supervised the outfit change offering suggestions, humiliation and discipline when appropriate.

For the remainder of the afternoon, I took glamorous still photos of Bobbie and Alice, even a few of me were taken.

Alice and I then teamed up and doubled dommed the beautiful Bobbie. That naughty girl was giggly and wiggly and we had to put her in her place! Spanking, flogging, whipping

Bobbie is being a naughty girl.

Bobbie is being a naughty girl.

and general tormenting ensued, and the two ladies thoroughly enjoyed themselves.

After the photo shoot, we headed up to San Francisco to participate in the Sissy munch at Wicked Grounds coffee shop.

Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing, gender bending is welcomed and encouraged here.

Intrigued? Contact me. My email is Mistressjstudios@gmail.com.  I am in San Jose, California.  I can be found on Fetlife as MistressJ9. I look forward to hearing from you.

Robert before.

Robert before.


Bobbie after with her keyholder Alice

Bobbie after the transformation with her keyholder Alice

Please Allow Me to (re)Introduce Myself

At long last my naughty new website has launched! 

Welcome readers to my new blog and website. Take a look around and enjoy the view.

Today, I will reintroduce myself to all of my readers. I am Mistress J, Erotic Photographer, Feminine Dominant and Transformation Artist.

Many of you have read my blog posts and know what I do. This blog tells you how Mistress J came to be.

For as long as I could remember, I have been a Feminist. Born in the Midwest and raised with traditional patriarchal views, I always bristled at the notion that women could not do something simply because they were women.

I am not exactly referring to choice of occupation, such as a woman wanting to be a plumber or electrician. I do feel women should do what they want for a living, even if I had no desire to do that type of work. I am referring to things such as having to be in earlier than the male child, the assumed role of domestic goddess, the Madonna complex, etc.

I always needed a better reason than “you are female, it is your job.”

I also questioned the double standard of sexual freedom of men v. women and was told “that is the way it is.”

I remember admiring women who were in control of their sexuality, doing what (and who) they wanted  and living their life their way. Think Mae West and Marlene Dietrich.

Deep down, I didn’t agree with these patriarchal views, but didn’t know about alternatives. As I got older, I didn’t even know about kink. Eventually, I heard about it, but didn’t feel the need to explore it.  Until one day.

From the moment I picked up my camera I have been a voyeur. I became a photojournalist and my camera opened the door to many things, court-side seats at basketball games, backside passes at music events, meetings with politicians, crossing police tape, etc. Granted, I had to provide a service for those privileges, but don’t we all? My camera allowed me to participate from the sidelines, to watch, AND be in a spot of some importance. My images were respected and admired. On the side,  I was growing a wedding and portrait business which eventually turned into a full time job.

The years passed, and I started  to do boudoir photography for women, and I was naturally good at it. It was during these shoots I noticed an exchange of power that titillated me. Through advertising, I started to get a few phone calls from men who wanted nude photos of themselves for various reasons, slowly, I took these men on as clients.

It was also during this time I went through a very messy and painful divorce. I mention this only because that experience catapulted Mistress J to the surface. Trauma changes you, and in my case, it brought out my sexy, dominant side. My camera introduced me to a culture I didn’t really know about, but once I started exploring, realized I fit into it quite nicely. I also discovered I belong on top.

In the vanilla world, I felt I had to keep some of my discoveries on the down low, suppress my feelings of power, desire and art. I often felt like an outsider. In the kink world, I do not.

Mistress J likes to command. She loves to command with her camera. She loves to direct and watch someone strip themselves figuratively and physically of their clothes and trappings and reveal a piece of themselves inside. She loves to feel that intoxicating power of unleashing that energy and creating a beautiful photo. She enjoys seeing a man weep with gratitude having given him a safe place to show his feminine side in a world that only celebrates masculinity. She enjoys giving that shy guy or gal the experience of feeling confident & beautiful in front of my lens, even if it is only for a short while.

She is me.

I invite you to share that experience with me.

Intrigued? ? Contact me. My email is Mistressjstudios@gmail.com.  I am in San Jose, California.




Upcoming Event: Queen for a Day!

2012 is all about being who you are!

Mistress J understands that while often simple, men can be complex. That is why she started her business in the first place, to capture life’s complexities.

Miss J is a very understanding Domme, and realizes there are many men in this valley who desire domination by a woman. These men are not weak, but actually rather strong. They know what they want and need and try to seek it out.

That is why Mistress J has teamed up with Miss Tanya Love from A Place for Chainge and wants to encourage men and women to express themselves and be who they want to be.

In the D/s culture many straight men have the desire to cross dress or be a sissy boy. That desire might stem from the admiration of Female Dominance. Maybe something else, but Mistress J and Miss Tanya strive to serve the community by having you boys serve us for a night!

Come celebrate your inner girl at Queen for a Day! Queen for a Day is a fun, swanky night for sissy boys and cross dressers. You won’t want to miss it!

Join Miss J and Miss Tanya at their first annual Queen for a Day party! Named after the popular hit TV show from the ‘50s, Mistresses Tanya and J invite all of the boys to come and flaunt their feminine side.

This evening will give you the opportunity to step outside your comfort zone and move past the confines of your home. Mingle in a safe public place with other like-minded people!

Pull out that outfit from the back of your closet and have some fun. There will also be a fashion show and awards given to the top 3 beauties.

The Mistresses want to meet and socialize with other dominants, so please feel free to attend if you don’t have a special sub. You might find one here!

The Dommes will offer appropriate amounts of humiliation and beatings. There will be opportunity to shop for jewelry and makeup and have your photo taken with Mistresses J and Tanya or your Domme. We will have food and drinks available, but NO alcohol.

Find out more and register at Ticketleap.