A good Girl Scout at Folsom Street Fair 2014.
Mistress J is a perv, just like you.
Now don’t get your panties in a bunch, I mean perv with the sincerest form of affection!
Lately, it seems I have been getting a lot of questions from folks on why I do what I do, and do I like it? The answer to that is YES! I love being kinky and sharing my experiences with other pervy people.
I am a FemDom, I don’t switch or play the submissive role. Why? And what does that mean?
Well, from the time I was a very little girl, I knew I was a Feminist. Much to my family’s chagrin, I questioned traditional gender “rules” not so much as the roles.
I was taught what so many women were told since time began. “Give in to a man, don’t make him mad, and don’t be bossy or demanding.”
Told repeatedly to put her needs third, it is interesting a little FemDom sprouted up from this environment. I LOVE being dominant. The reasons why are complex. Perhaps I like being in control over men because it is the exact opposite of what I was taught to do as a young girl.

A good boy obeys the Girl Scouts.
What does a FemDom do, you ask? She asserts her power over men. SHE is in control. In my personal life, I only date submissive men. My professional life is one of a Dominatrix in San Jose, CA. My men like to give up their control to me and let me lead for a while.
Now, try as I might, I cannot be completely selfish in nature. When I lead, I think of us, rather than just me. I also have a very loving and nurturing nature.
Does that make me weak? No, because it brings me pleasure to think of others. It pleasures me to watch a man submit to my loving authority. And, it pleases me to see a man in what might be a traditional female position.
In my world, we are two people who consensually come together in the role they desire.
I like manners and respect for women. I like a man who considers her needs. My needs are to sensually/sexually dominate men. And I like it when my needs are met!
If you are curious about Feminine Domination, I invite you to visit me for a session or photo shoot.
Mistress J Studios is a sex positive studio that provides a safe place for personal expression. Nude male photography, male and female submission, cross dressing and gender bending are welcomed and encouraged here.
Intrigued? Contact me. My email is Mistressjstudios@gmail.com. I am in San Jose, California. I look forward to hearing from you.